One Off Projects

High quality deliverables when you need them – from technical audits to research and analysis – complete with recommended next steps.

Consultancy Retainers

Ongoing consultancy support whether you need to sense-check implementation, discuss your options for next steps, or want a second opinion on strategic direction.


Bespoke training sessions designed to suit the needs of your team, from SEO fundamentals through to advanced deep dives on particular topics.

Freelance SEO support tailored to your needs

High quality outputs for brands and agencies to help you understand your current SEO performance and then how to take it to the next level.

Technical Audits

Uncover performance inhibiting issues, complete with prioritised recommendations to resolve them.

Keyword Research

Find out what your audience is searching for and how you can improve visibility across key business areas.

Competitor Analysis

See how you perform against your business and search competitors, as well as where and how to capitalise.

Local Search Review

Understand how your Google and Bing local listing profiles are performing and identify opportunities to continue scaling.

Internal Linking Analysis

See which of your pages hold the most onsite authority and find opportunities to improve the flow of value to key areas.

GA4 & GTM Review

Understand what is being tracked on your website and how, including if tags are firing correctly and actions to improve your setup.

Ways of Working

The steps to a successful partnership

Every project is different – different goals, different challenges, different history – so while each approach is unique, concrete ways of working help to provide a solid base to work from. 

1. Initial chat

We’ll start with a discussion of what it is you want to achieve, and why.

2. Scope

I’ll scope the necessary time to support and run through it with you.

3. Kick off

Upon sign off, I’ll get to work and keep you updated as I go.

4. Delivery

You’ll receive the completed work, with recommended next steps.

Got a project in mind? Let’s talk about it.


Industry contributions & brands I’ve worked with:


Some kind words from past clients:

Thanks for juggling so many different projects with us this week. It’s a bit like that at the moment but you’ve been so flexible, quick to respond, and eager to help – we’re very grateful!

Just a little note from me to say how thankful I am for being able to work alongside you while in the Web team. What you’ve taught me about web optimisation, SEO, behavioural analytics and so much more has honestly allowed me to dive headfirst into my new role with confidence. 

It is great to see the organic traffic coming through on Google! Our last Google monthly report showed 12,000 clicks per month and growing!

You’ve never hesitated to share your insight and knowledge at the drop of a hat, and I’ve been fortunate to benefit greatly from it.