GA4 & GTM reviews process

Current Setup

Documenting the current setup or your GA4 and/or GTM properties so you know what is being tracked and how.


Testing all existing GTM tracking based on the current setup to ensure it is firing correctly on the site.


Fix broken tracking, clean up and simplify what is being fed through, or new tracking for added insight.


Full list of prioritised actions to either implement internally or be completed as part of the project.

What do GA4 & GTM reviews include?

Whether you need both GA4 & GTM reviewing, or just one of them, the purpose is the same: Ensure your setup is providing you with the best, most accurate data to carry out viable assessments and make informed decisions about your website and marketing activity.

GA4 Reviews:

Working with an automatically created GA4 property and want to sense check everything is as it should be? 

Gone through an initial setup but haven’t reviewed or changed anything since?

Want to be sure you’ve got all the right settings in place to get the most data possible?

Having issues with sampling or thresholding, or seeing a tonne of events you just don’t need anymore? 

GA4 reviews help with all of the above and more to give you more confidence in the data you’re collecting and basing decisions on.

GTM Reviews:

Not sure what’s being tracked, how it pulls through, or if it is working correctly?

Working with legacy setups and want to clean up outdated tags or streamline the container?

Utilise multiple channels and want to make sure key events are being picked up correctly in different platforms (e.g. Google Ads)?

Want to make sure Consent Mode V2 signals are being picked up and respected across the site, or that there are rules ?

GTM reviews will give you more confidence in the results you’re seeing and help identify if there are any issues preventing collection.

Interested in a tracking review project?

Every business needs to be able to rely on solid data to make informed decisions about their marketing activity – whether that is which channels are performing, what actions users are taking on the site, or which products and services drive the highest engagement.

With a tracking review project, I’ll help:

  1. Identify any issues with your current setup which could be impacting what is being reported
  2. Determine the scope of any issues and what is needed to solve them / what the impact of doing so will be 
  3. Highlight, and implement with sign off, any opportunities for improving the level of data being tracked to help support future analysis

It is important to note that for some changes or improvements to tracking in GTM, development support may be required to implement dataLayer.push event scripts for the necessary actions on site – where this is the case, recommendations will be provided and I will work with your developers to sense-check implementation as the tracking setup progresses.

Need help with an initial setup? Let’s have a chat about what you want to be tracking and why and then see how I can support. For setup projects, you can expect to receive full documentation on the settings applied and any tracking setup through GTM so you can pass it back to your internal teams, too.